Removing Barriers
A step-by-step guide to making your church more disability-friendly
Did you know that over 54 million Americans (or one out of every five individuals) have a disability?
That’s one out of five people in our churches!
People with disabilities are considered one of the world’s largest under-represented groups. The Church is largely unprepared for the burgeoning disabled population. What provisions or programs has your parish taken to insure the safety, inclusion and full participation in the life of the church for persons with disability? Do the programs and physical facilities of your church invite persons with disability to participate in the life of the Church, or do they exclude full participation by creating barriers? Sadly today, too many families have felt unwelcome, or at the very least, unnoticed by the churches they attend.
Removing Barriers helps change that. Get our step-by-step guide to start making your parish more disability-friendly.