How Understanding Stress Transformed a College Student's Life

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by stress, wondering if something might be wrong with you? It’s a feeling many of us experience, especially in today’s fast-paced world. This story of a college student’s journey with The Relationship Project might resonate with you and offer some hope and clarity.

A Moment of Realization

Meet a college student who recently participated in The Relationship Project. His words struck me deeply:

“Wow. So maybe I don’t have anxiety or depression,” he said, almost tearful but totally relieved.

He was in the middle of Understanding Mental Health, the third session of The Relationship Project. For the first time, he learned that feeling stress when facing physical danger or a looming deadline is a natural, God-given response. It wasn’t that something was wrong with him; he just needed to build the skills to navigate life's challenges.

My husband Paul and I have spent countless years working with teens and young adults. Teaching The Relationship Project to Orthodox Christian Fellowship students at the University of Minnesota has been a profound experience. The material makes complex theological ideas accessible and helps differentiate between everyday stress and clinical anxiety.

Challenging Modern Misconceptions

In too many cases, the world has convinced our young people that feeling any form of stress means they need medication or constant professional help. But as Christians, we know that’s not always true.

Yes, anxiety, depression, and other mental health struggles are certainly real. But for many young people, learning that God gave us responses like stress or anxiety to help us protect ourselves and be resilient in difficult times is a story that simply must be told more often.

Understanding God’s Design

The Relationship Project makes telling that story easy. The world would have us believe that the pursuit of happiness is everything and that when anything gets tough, we must retreat or crumble. But God’s way is so much better. God equips us with the perfect marriage between physical, mental, and spiritual health. And all three parts must be in sync. The material that makes up The Relationship Project methodically walks young people through the Church’s path of doing that.

By just following the script, showing the videos, and facilitating the journaling exercises in this acclaimed small group study, the Orthodox perspective on mental health was not only absorbed, but also brought relief. This young student immediately found out he was not alone—and there was a renewed energy and strength that arose from many of these tired young people as they left the room to head back to their studies.

A Renewed Sense of Hope

Glory to God for the renewed energy and hope these students discovered!

I hope this reminder that stress can be a natural response that helps us grow and protect ourselves brings you peace, energy, and hope.

Experience the Benefits of
The Relationship Project

Designed for anyone to facilitate, The Relationship Project offers a comprehensive approach to addressing teen and young adult mental health through engaging discussions and Christ-centered wisdom. Empower your youth to see the Church as the source of tools they need to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and faith.

To find out how The Relationship Project can benefit your parish or community, click here.


This article is written by Cindy Karos, Board Chair, Faithtree Resources 


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